Grab a cuppa, Sit back and enjoy the ride ............

I am a Wahm to 3 little cherubs. I knit and sew and love anything crafty :) Come check out my stuff on Knits & Knots .

Saturday, August 23

ok so i am the worlds worst blogger haha

Well i could make a million and one excses but i am not going to .

heres whats been happening in our little side of the world

Liam - lovign kinder and is really ready for prep. he's made a few friends and we have had some great playdates with them.

Kaelin - as cheeky as ever :) he's really my monkey of a child. into everything and has really gotten the hang of blaming liam for everything hehe.

Meghan - Has joined the boys at daycare of a thursday and is LOVING it. she gets so excited when we get there and hasnt shed a tear when i leave yet. I think its great she's settled in so well with them and tho she only goes one day its a nice break for all of us.

me - busy crafting away as always . i havent been on the computer as much and am trying my hardest to get this house in order. i think its time to give flylady another go and try get some sort of routine in this house. i have been working more on stikcing to budget and spending less on impulse buys. atm things are tight but thats only untill we get into routine and set things up to pay bills off in little bits instead of huge chunks.

anyway my time is up for now and the kids want a snack so i will be back with piccies of my lastest crafting accomplishments soon :)

have a good one :)

Wednesday, June 25

Frog A Friend

ok here's my contribution to the woolaholics Frog A Friend

what is it you ask ?

organised and started off by the lovely Bec of Woolaholics.
the challenge is to ......
a. frog a UFO that has been sat there forever;
or b. organise a part of my stash that I have been meaning to do for ages.

so heres what i have decided to frog

i have about 10 rows done of my sidewinder sock and i have sin binned it so i am going to frog it and find another use for the beautiful Cherry Pie Sock yarn i have :)

and i am going to tag the lovely Kelly :)

Sunday, April 27

Welcome to my NEW LOOK :)

ok so blogging isnt my strength :) but I am determined to do this properly this time :)

I want to allow myself the space to show my creations, show off my kiddies and just ramble about the things I love :)

so here goes....

Welcome to the Journey :)
I will be editing things over the next 2 or 3 days and you will see some new pics, new knits and things i am working on :)

Monday, February 4

This weeks efforts

So i am not so good with blogging.

This week has been a little more hectic than i would have liked.

MrM has had his hand operated on for carpel tunnel. Not major but leaves him here at home only able to help with smaller things.

Liam started Kinder and is loving it. The group of kids seems really lovely and as I am Treasurer this year i am getting to know the parents and they all seem really nice.

Kaelin is upto his usual tricks. Being a menace and keeping me on my toes.

and Miss M well 1yo's are very adventurous. She's into everything including anything her brothers are playing with at the time.

me - well i am just having one of those keep up wth what i can weeks. I finished my Thuja socks and they are super comfy. I am hoping to have a wool dyeing day soon so that i can get the couple of things done that i want to ( infact if its nice today i want to do a little)

what else ...... hmm not a lot. i think this week or so as i get into the swing of things is going to be much easier to fit in time for all the things i need to do.

ok well i will adda pic of the socks in a bit but the kids are all up now and wanting nappies changed and brekkie made :)

Thursday, January 24

Meghan is 1 :)

OK here it is . i am over having this lovely blog page sitting here neglected and really there is so much going on that i should post more :)

so i thought i would start with some whats been happening here.

Well the 1st BIG thing is that miss Meghan is 1. And to top it off is pulling herself up on everything in sight. We had a little party for her and it was great fun :) i have sucessfully made it to 12 mths bfing which i am thrilled by and in the 12 mths she's been here anm icky sposie hasnt touched her cute little tushie :)

her cake


the birthday girl


Liam is getting ready to start his Kinder year and is really really excited :)

and Kaelin is plodding along well as usual. Climbing everything and chattering constantly.. oh & he is on the way to TT'ing

Me - well lots of unfinished work in progress knits that i frogged the other day and some NEW WIP's that i am working on at the min.

Store stuff - well the store is on "holiday" while i create some lovely new woolies and things for the store :) i have a super theme planned and will be reopening late feb/ early march :)

ok i had best be off as there are 2 children nagging for snacks and one miss monster wanting ANOTHER feed. It never ends.